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Lesson 103

God, being Love, is also happiness.

W-pI.103.1. Happiness is an attribute of love. 2 It cannot be apart from it. 3 Nor can it be experienced where love is not. 4 Love has no limits, being everywhere. 5 And therefore joy is everywhere as well. 6 Yet can the mind deny that this is so, believing there are gaps in love where sin can enter, bringing pain instead of joy. 7 This strange belief would limit happiness by redefining love as limited, and introducing opposition in what has no limit and no opposite.

W-pI.103.2. Fear is associated then with love, and its results become the heritage of minds that think what they have made is real. 2 These images, with no reality in truth, bear witness to the fear of God, forgetting being Love, He must be joy. 3 This basic error we will try again to bring to truth today, and teach ourselves:

4 God, being Love, is also happiness.
5 To fear Him is to be afraid of joy.

6 Begin your periods of practicing today with this association, which corrects the false belief that God is fear. 7 It also emphasizes happiness belongs to you, because of what He is.

W-pI.103.3. Allow this one correction to be placed within your mind each waking hour today. 2 Then welcome all the happiness it brings as truth replaces fear, and joy becomes what you expect to take the place of pain. 3 God, being Love, it will be given you. 4 Bolster this expectation frequently throughout the day, and quiet all your fears with this assurance, kind and wholly true:

5 God, being Love, is also happiness.
6 And it is happiness I seek today.
7 I cannot fail, because I seek the truth.
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