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Lesson 111

ACIM Review Lessons: 91 and 92

Suggested Reading: Workbook Review IIIIntroduction

For morning and evening review:

W-pI.111.1. (91) Miracles are seen in light.

2 I cannot see in darkness. 3 Let the light of holiness and truth light up my mind, and let me see the innocence within.

W-pI.111.2. (92) Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.

2 I see through strength, the gift of God to me. 3 My weakness is the dark His gift dispels, by giving me His strength to take its place.

W-pI.111.3. On the hour:
2 Miracles are seen in light.

3 On the half hour:
4 Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.

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