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Lesson 21

I am determined to see things differently.

W-pI.21.1. The idea for today is obviously a continuation and extension of the preceding one. 2 This time, however, specific mind-searching periods are necessary, in addition to applying the idea to particular situations as they may arise. 3 Five practice periods are urged, allowing a full minute for each.

W-pI.21.2. In the practice periods, begin by repeating the idea to yourself. 2 Then close your eyes and search your mind carefully for situations past, present or anticipated that arouse anger in you. 3 The anger may take the form of any reaction ranging from mild irritation to rage. 4 The degree of the emotion you experience does not matter. 5 You will become increasingly aware that a slight twinge of annoyance is nothing but a veil drawn over intense fury.

W-pI.21.3. Try, therefore, not to let the "little" thoughts of anger escape you in the practice periods. 2 Remember that you do not really recognize what arouses anger in you, and nothing that you believe in this connection means anything. 3 You will probably be tempted to dwell more on some situations or persons than on others, on the fallacious grounds that they are more "obvious." 4 This is not so. 5 It is merely an example of the belief that some forms of attack are more justified than others.

W-pI.21.4. As you search your mind for all the forms in which attack thoughts present themselves, hold each one in mind while you tell yourself:

2 I am determined to see  _____  [name of person] differently.
3 I am determined to see  _____  [specify the situation] differently.

W-pI.21.5. Try to be as specific as possible. 2 You may, for example, focus your anger on a particular attribute of a particular person, believing that the anger is limited to this aspect. 3 If your perception is suffering from this form of distortion, say:

4 I am determined to see  _____  [specify the attribute] in  _____  [name of person] differently.
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