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Lesson 222

God is with me. I live and move in Him.

Suggested Reading: What Is Forgiveness?1. What Is Forgiveness?

W-pII.222.1. God is with me. 2 He is my Source of life, the life within, the air I breathe, the food by which I am sustained, the water which renews and cleanses me. 3 He is my home, wherein I live and move; the Spirit which directs my actions, offers me Its Thoughts, and guarantees my safety from all pain. 4 He covers me with kindness and with care, and holds in love the Son He shines upon, who also shines on Him. 5 How still is he who knows the truth of what He speaks today!

W-pII.222.2. Father, we have no words except Your Name upon our lips and in our minds, as we come quietly into Your Presence now, and ask to rest with You in peace a while.

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