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Lesson 230

Now will I seek and find the peace of God.

Suggested Reading: What Is Forgiveness?1. What Is Forgiveness?

W-pII.230.1. In peace I was created. 2 And in peace do I remain. 3 It is not given me to change my Self. 4 How merciful is God my Father, that when He created me He gave me peace forever. 5 Now I ask but to be what I am. 6 And can this be denied me, when it is forever true?

W-pII.230.2. Father, I seek the peace You gave as mine in my creation. 2 What was given then must be here now, for my creation was apart from time, and still remains beyond all change. 3 The peace in which Your Son was born into Your Mind is shining there unchanged. 4 I am as You created me. 5 I need but call on You to find the peace You gave. 6 It is Your Will that gave it to Your Son.

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