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Lesson 236

I rule my mind, which I alone must rule.

Suggested Reading: What Is Salvation?2. What Is Salvation?

W-pII.236.1. I have a kingdom I must rule. 2 At times, it does not seem I am its king at all. 3 It seems to triumph over me, and tell me what to think, and what to do and feel. 4 And yet it has been given me to serve whatever purpose I perceive in it. 5 My mind can only serve. 6 Today I give its service to the Holy Spirit to employ as He sees fit. 7 I thus direct my mind, which I alone can rule. 8 And thus I set it free to do the Will of God.

W-pII.236.2. Father, my mind is open to Your Thoughts, and closed today to every thought but Yours. 2 I rule my mind, and offer it to You. 3 Accept my gift, for it is Yours to me.  

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