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Lesson 282

I will not be afraid of love today.

Suggested Reading: What Is the Holy Spirit?7. What Is the Holy Spirit?

W-pII.282.1. If I could realize but this today, salvation would be reached for all the world. 2 This the decision not to be insane, and to accept myself as God Himself, my Father and my Source, created me. 3 This the determination not to be asleep in dreams of death, while truth remains forever living in the joy of love. 4 And this the choice to recognize the Self Whom God created as the Son He loves, and Who remains my one Identity.

W-pII.282.2. Father, Your Name is Love and so is mine. 2 Such is the truth. 3 And can the truth be changed by merely giving it another name? 4 The name of fear is simply a mistake. 5 Let me not be afraid of truth today.

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