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Lesson 290

My present happiness is all I see.

Suggested Reading: What Is the Holy Spirit?7. What Is the Holy Spirit?

W-pII.290.1. Unless I look upon what is not there, my present happiness is all I see. 2 Eyes that begin to open see at last. 3 And I would have Christ's vision come to me this very day. 4 What I perceive without God's Own Correction for the sight I made is frightening and painful to behold. 5 Yet I would not allow my mind to be deceived by the belief the dream I made is real an instant longer. 6 This the day I seek my present happiness, and look on nothing else except the thing I seek.

W-pII.290.2. With this resolve I come to You, and ask Your strength to hold me up today, while I but seek to do Your Will. 2 You cannot fail to hear me, Father. 3 What I ask have You already given me. 4 And I am sure that I will see my happiness today.

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