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Lesson 291

This is a day of stillness and of peace.

Suggested Reading: What Is the Real World?8. What Is the Real World?

W-pII.291.1. Christ's vision looks through me today. 2 His sight shows me all things forgiven and at peace, and offers this same vision to the world. 3 And I accept this vision in its name, both for myself and for the world as well. 4 What loveliness we look upon today! 5 What holiness we see surrounding us! 6 And it is given us to recognize it is a holiness in which we share; it is the Holiness of God Himself.

W-pII.291.2. This day my mind is quiet, to receive the Thoughts You offer me. 2 And I accept what comes from You, instead of from myself. 3 I do not know the way to You. 4 But You are wholly certain. 5 Father, guide Your Son along the quiet path that leads to You. 6 Let my forgiveness be complete, and let the memory of You return to me.

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