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Lesson 55

ACIM Review Lessons: 21 to 25

Suggested Reading: Workbook Review IIntroduction

Today's review includes the following:

W-pI.55.1. (21) I am determined to see things differently.

2 What I see now are but signs of disease, disaster and death. 3 This cannot be what God created for His beloved Son. 4 The very fact that I see such things is proof that I do not understand God. 5 Therefore I also do not understand His Son. 6 What I see tells me that I do not know who I am. 7 I am determined to see the witnesses to the truth in me, rather than those which show me an illusion of myself.

W-pI.55.2. (22) What I see is a form of vengeance.

2 The world I see is hardly the representation of loving thoughts. 3 It is a picture of attack on everything by everything. 4 It is anything but a reflection of the Love of God and the love of His Son. 5 It is my own attack thoughts that give rise to this picture. 6 My loving thoughts will save me from this perception of the world, and give me the peace God intended me to have.

W-pI.55.3. (23) I can escape from this world by giving up attack thoughts.

2 Herein lies salvation, and nowhere else. 3 Without attack thoughts I could not see a world of attack. 4 As forgiveness allows love to return to my awareness, I will see a world of peace and safety and joy. 5 And it is this I choose to see, in place of what I look on now.

W-pI.55.4. (24) I do not perceive my own best interests.

2 How could I recognize my own best interests when I do not know who I am? 3 What I think are my best interests would merely bind me closer to the world of illusions. 4 I am willing to follow the Guide God has given me to find out what my own best interests are, recognizing that I cannot perceive them by myself.

W-pI.55.5. (25) I do not know what anything is for.

2 To me, the purpose of everything is to prove that my illusions about myself are real. 3 It is for this purpose that I attempt to use everyone and everything. 4 It is for this that I believe the world is for. 5 Therefore I do not recognize its real purpose. 6 The purpose I have given the world has led to a frightening picture of it. 7 Let me open my mind to the world's real purpose by withdrawing the one I have given it, and learning the truth about it.

Suggested Reading: Workbook Lesson 21
Suggested Reading: Workbook Lesson 22
Suggested Reading: Workbook Lesson 23
Suggested Reading: Workbook Lesson 24
Suggested Reading: Workbook Lesson 25
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