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Lesson 81

ACIM Review Lessons: 61 and 62

Suggested Reading: Workbook Review IIIntroduction

Our ideas for review today are:

W-pI.81.1. (61) I am the light of the world.

2 How holy am I, who have been given the function of lighting up the world! 3 Let me be still before my holiness. 4 In its calm light let all my conflicts disappear. 5 In its peace let me remember Who I am.

W-pI.81.2. Some specific forms for applying this idea when special difficulties seem to arise might be:

2 Let me not obscure the light of the world in me.
3 Let the light of the world shine through this appearance.
4 This shadow will vanish before the light.

W-pI.81.3. (62) Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.

2 It is through accepting my function that I will see the light in me. 3 And in this light will my function stand clear and perfectly unambiguous before my sight. 4 My acceptance does not depend on my recognizing what my function is, for I do not yet understand forgiveness. 5 Yet I will trust that, in the light, I will see it as it is.

W-pI.81.4. Specific forms for using this idea might include:

2 Let this help me learn what forgiveness means.
3 Let me not separate my function from my will.
4 I will not use this for an alien purpose.
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