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Lesson 83

ACIM Review Lessons: 65 and 66

Suggested Reading: Workbook Review IIIntroduction

Today let us review these ideas:

W-pI.83.1. (65) My only function is the one God gave me.

2 I have no function but the one God gave me. 3 This recognition releases me from all conflict, because it means I cannot have conflicting goals. 4 With one purpose only, I am always certain what to do, what to say and what to think. 5 All doubt must disappear as I acknowledge that my only function is the one God gave me.

W-pI.83.2. More specific applications of this idea might take these forms:

2 My perception of this does not change my function.
3 This does not give me a function other than the one God gave me.
4 Let me not use this to justify a function God did not give me.

W-pI.83.3. (66) My happiness and my function are one.

2 All things that come from God are one. 3 They come from Oneness, and must be received as one. 4 Fulfilling my function is my happiness because both come from the same Source. 5 And I must learn to recognize what makes me happy, if I would find happiness.

W-pI.83.4. Some useful forms for specific applications of this idea are:

2 This cannot separate my happiness from my function.
3 The oneness of my happiness and my function remains wholly unaffected by this.
4 Nothing, including this, can justify the illusion of happiness apart from my function.
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