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Lesson 85

ACIM Review Lessons: 69 and 70

Suggested Reading: Workbook Review IIIntroduction

Today's review will cover these ideas:

W-pI.85.1. (69) My grievances hide the light of the world in me.

2 My grievances show me what is not there, and hide from me what I would see. 3 Recognizing this, what do I want my grievances for? 4 They keep me in darkness and hide the light. 5 Grievances and light cannot go together, but light and vision must be joined for me to see. 6 To see, I must lay grievances aside. 7 I want to see, and this will be the means by which I will succeed.

W-pI.85.2. Specific applications for this idea might be made in these forms:

2 Let me not use this as a block to sight.
3 The light of the world will shine all this away.
4 I have no need for this. 5 I want to see.

W-pI.85.3. (70) My salvation comes from me.

2 Today I will recognize where my salvation is. 3 It is in me because its Source is there. 4 It has not left its Source, and so it cannot have left my mind. 5 I will not look for it outside myself. 6 It is not found outside and then brought in. 7 But from within me it will reach beyond, and everything I see will but reflect the light that shines in me and in itself.

W-pI.85.4. These forms of the idea are suitable for more specific applications:

2 Let this not tempt me to look away from me for my salvation.
3 I will not let this interfere with my awareness of the Source of my salvation.
4 This has no power to remove salvation from me.
Suggested Reading: Workbook Lesson 69
Suggested Reading: Workbook Lesson 70
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