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Chapter 7
The Gifts Of The Kingdom

IV. Healing as the Recognition of Truth


T-7.IV.1. Truth can only be recognized and need only be recognized. 2 Inspiration is of the Holy Spirit, and certainty is of God according to His laws. 3 Both, therefore, come from the same Source, since inspiration comes from the Voice for God and certainty comes from the laws of God. 4 Healing does not come directly from God, Who knows His creations as perfectly whole. 5 Yet healing is still of God, because it proceeds from His Voice and from His laws. 6 It is their result, in a state of mind that does not know Him. 7 The state is unknown to Him and therefore does not exist, but those who sleep are unaware. 8 Because they are unaware, they do not know.

T-7.IV.2. The Holy Spirit must work through you to teach you He is in you. 2 This is an intermediary step toward the knowledge that you are in God because you are part of Him. 3 The miracles the Holy Spirit inspires can have no order of difficulty, because every part of creation is of one order. 4 This is God's Will and yours. 5 The laws of God establish this, and the Holy Spirit reminds you of it. 6 When you heal, you are remembering the laws of God and forgetting the laws of the ego. 7 I said before that forgetting is merely a way of remembering better. 8 It is therefore not the opposite of remembering when it is properly perceived. 9 Perceived improperly, it induces a perception of conflict with something else, as all incorrect perception does. 10 Properly perceived, it can be used as a way out of conflict, as all proper perception can.

T-7.IV.3. The ego does not want to teach everyone all it has learned, because that would defeat its purpose. 2 Therefore it does not really learn at all. 3 The Holy Spirit teaches you to use what the ego has made, to teach the opposite of what the ego has "learned." 4 The kind of learning is as irrelevant as is the particular ability that was applied to the learning. 5 All you need do is make the effort to learn, for the Holy Spirit has a unified goal for the effort. 6 If different abilities are applied long enough to one goal, the abilities themselves become unified. 7 This is because they are channelized in one direction, or in one way. 8 Ultimately, then, they all contribute to one result, and by so doing, their similarity rather than their differences is emphasized.

T-7.IV.4. All abilities should therefore be given over to the Holy Spirit, Who understands how to use them properly. 2 He uses them only for healing, because He knows you only as whole. 3 By healing you learn of wholeness, and by learning of wholeness you learn to remember God. 4 You have forgotten Him, but the Holy Spirit understands that your forgetting must be translated into a way of remembering.

T-7.IV.5. The ego's goal is as unified as the Holy Spirit's, and it is because of this that their goals can never be reconciled in any way or to any extent. 2 The ego always seeks to divide and separate. 3 The Holy Spirit always seeks to unify and heal. 4 As you heal you are healed, because the Holy Spirit sees no order of difficulty in healing. 5 Healing is the way to undo the belief in differences, being the only way of perceiving the Sonship as one. 6 This perception is therefore in accord with the laws of God, even in a state of mind that is out of accord with His. 7 The strength of right perception is so great that it brings the mind into accord with His, because it serves His Voice, which is in all of you.

T-7.IV.6. To think you can oppose the Will of God is a real delusion. 2 The ego believes that it can, and that it can offer you its own "will" as a gift. 3 You do not want it. 4 It is not a gift. 5 It is nothing at all. 6 God has given you a gift that you both have and are. 7 When you do not use it, you forget that you have it. 8 By not remembering it, you do not know what you are. 9 Healing, then, is a way of approaching knowledge by thinking in accordance with the laws of God, and recognizing their universality. 10 Without this recognition, you have made the laws meaningless to you. 11 Yet the laws are not meaningless, since all meaning is contained by them and in them.

T-7.IV.7. Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, because that is where the laws of God operate truly, and they can operate only truly because they are the laws of truth. 2 But seek this only, because you can find nothing else. 3 There is nothing else. 4 God is All in all in a very literal sense. 5 All being is in Him Who is all Being. 6 You are therefore in Him since your being is His. 7 Healing is a way of forgetting the sense of danger the ego has induced in you, by not recognizing its existence in your brother. 8 This strengthens the Holy Spirit in both of you, because it is a refusal to acknowledge fear. 9 Love needs only this invitation. 10 It comes freely to all the Sonship, being what the Sonship is. 11 By your awakening to it, you are merely forgetting what you are not. 12 This enables you to remember what you are.

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